Back into Blogging

Last summer when I started my reading blog, I titled it Mrs. Shealy's Summertime Reader without having much forethought as to how I would handle the title once the fall came and we were back in school. Well, that problem solved itself in that I didn't write a single blog entry during the fall or winter. So, it's summer again. I've read tons of books in the meantime, but I will begin blogging about those books that I am reading this summer.

Over the Christmas holidays, I began my love affair with Twitter and began following a number of people who read and review young adult lit. Through those relationships, I became acquainted with book challenges. I lurked around a few blogs and decided to participate in an A-Z Reading Challenge. I did not officially join the challenge online, but my teaching friend, Medina and I promoted it in our classrooms and encouraged our students to see how many books they could read that started with the different letters of the alphabet. Medina is amazing and took off with it completing her challenge by Spring Break. Needless to say, I'm still struggling. I've read through most of the alphabet, but I still have seven letters to attack. If you know of any good books that start with the following letters, please let me know: F, N, O, R, U, V, Z. My friend Pamela gave me Z is for Zachariah which I will be reading soon, so I think Z will be taken care of.

On that note, my first book that I'm going to review this summer is the Power of One by Bryce Courtenay. I'm counting it as my O book even though it should technically be counted as my P book, but I already had that one.

It feels good to be back at the keyboard - though, I must admit, that I spend far too much time here on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe I should say that it feels good to be back in writing mode. I love to feel the words coming from my fingers. I hope they reach you in a pleasant way, and I hope that I encourage you to read a good book this summer.


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