The Beginning

I've decided that my summer project this year is to create a blog about what I'm reading. I had great kids this past year at Hand Middle School, and I'm hoping that I can share this with them and that they will share it with their friends. My whole goal here is to create a forum for kids to talk about the great books that they have been reading. Let's see how it works.


Mom/Aunt K. said…
What a wonderful idea. I hope it catches on. Books are the cheapest and best way to go places and see things one would never experience otherwise.
Gwen Campbell said…
I read 13 Little Envelopes last summer. I really likes the dedication of the girl to trace her mom's life. My granddaughter, age 13 just read it. She says it is the best she has read this summer. I read 12 Powerful Words, my principal suggested. A 30 minute read. I plan to do a powerpoint in the fall for my class, but I already use them repeatedly in my classroom. I just read The Appeal by J. Grishom. It was not one of the best works he has done. It could have been a great book if he had fictionized it more. I was glad when I got finished reading it. Now I am reading Jerusalem, a novel that helps me know how God's chosen people became part of the Jerusalem land site. My Sunday School teacher recommended it. I am also reading the Da Vinci Code. It reads like an Indiana Jones mystery. Some Christians have gotten very upset about the mystery, but if you look at the fact that it is a fiction book, then there is no religious problem. If people use this book to base their relationship with Jesus Christ, then they need to read another nonfiction book, the Holy Bible. It can all be believed.
I have read a hundred children's books to my grands already (hyperbole) My grandsons, Weston, age 6 and Colemand, age 6 both love non fiction books. I know all about sharks, snails, and turtles!
Unknown said…
Hi Mrs. Shealy,
I was just marveling over google plus and happened to find your blog so yay, but anyway.
I have read absolutely none of the books on this blog:( and I will see you tomorrow!

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